Priorities and precious minutes

By Heather Shumaker

Food writer Jeanette Hurt with one of her top priorities, son Quinn. Jeanette starlights in the afternoon (nap time!). Yes, the stars are still out then.

The next Starlighting author to be featured hails from Milwaukee -- Jeanette Hurt.  I met Jeanette at the Madison Writer's Institute standing in the hotel hallway with her two-year-old son, Quinn.  I've brought a toddler to a conference before and I know it's not easy (luckily Grandma was in the hall, too).

Jeanette is the author of three books and primary caregiver for her toddler.

"Since his birth, I've written one book and promoted another one.  I have several regular freelance clients ( where I'm a columnist, Wine Enthusiast and Four Seasons Magazine to name but a few).  I also teach writing and some cheese classes, too."

How does she do it?

Priorities, priorities, priorities.

For Jeanette, that's clearly family first.  Writing is next.  Laundry can wait.  She writes during nap time and occasional babysitting times with grandparents.  She keeps special toys and books in her office to entertain Quinn when she's scurrying to finish an interview.  She recognizes the value of precious minutes  - for example, working on a book proposal in 20 minute chunks. When she does get babysitting, she makes every single hour count.

"I think that if you're a mother, you naturally can get a lot more done...When my childless friends complain that they don't have enough time, I want to laugh.  I used to be like that, but since having my little guy, I've learned that minutes are precious."

Jeanette writes 5-20 hours a week.  Her books include: The Cheeses of Wisconsin, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Tapas, and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wine and Food Pairing.  A favorite quote: "God give me the grace to accept my deadline; the strength to write double-time; and the wisdom to know when to stop editing."  She says simply "getting 'er done" is the mark of many successful writers - parents or not.  I would agree!

Hats off to Jeanette!  Now - what are your priorities?  How many hours a week do YOU regularly write?




4 responses to “Priorities and precious minutes”

  1. I had the privilege or meeting and presenting with Jeannette at the Writers' Institute. I know first-hand that she has a high-wattage smile, is a wonderful facilitator, and has lots of vim and vitality!

  2. My first priority is myself. Keeping me in as good a shape as possible in all ways. Then comes family, mainly my wife of course (no children). Then writing. I get a pretty steady 12-15 hours per week of writing done. But during the golf season, golf creeps up the priority list enough that I might not get those 12 hours in. 🙂 What can I say? I'm addicted to the silly game.

    • Heather Shumaker says:

      Ah - I'm guessing golf season is sneaking up the priority list now. But maybe that fits in with your first priority of taking care of yourself in all ways? Good for you getting in so many good writing hours a week, Chris.

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