Books by the month

By Heather Shumaker

One of my all-time favorite books - The Land of Oz (book #2). Did you know there were 14 Oz books?
The Wizard of Oz was just the start of it.

I read 24 books a year.  On good years, maybe more, but I always try to read at least two books a month. Reading is vastly important to me.  It's one of my favorite parts about being alive. It's my lifeblood as a writer. Read, read, read and read more.

One year I was horrified to realize I'd only read eight books.  Of course, that was the same year I became a new mother, but still. It's too easy for mothers, parents and busy folks to lose a sense of priorities.  After that, I started keeping track. Two books a month, minimum. Since it's mid-December that means I've finished book #23. Life's simply too short to fit in all the books I want to read.

And I want to read GOOD books. If I only read 24 books a year, and I won't live forever, I want to make every book count. I used to finish every book in my twenties, but now I stop and put a book aside if it's not engaging me. Life's too short to struggle through a bad book.

I read a startling statistic recently that 70% of American adults had read at least one book this year.  One book?!  That means that 30% hadn't read any.  And that many more had only finished one.  I'll stick to my 24, thank you.

So here at year-end I'll share my favorite books of the year with you. They're not all recent books --one of my absolute favorites was A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1943) which I finally got around to reading--but they're good ones. Maybe you'll add them to your reading list for 2013?

In no particular order, here are the books I most enjoyed in 2012:

  • Half Broke Horses   - Jeannette Walls     (creative nonfiction)
  • The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls          (memoir)
  • A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Betty Smith    (fiction)
  • Nothing to Envy - Barbara Demick    (nonfiction - stunning book about North Korea)
  • Annie John - Jamaica Kincaid      (fiction)
  • The Hunger Games trilogy - Suzanne Collins    (fiction)
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain -  Garth Stein     (dog's point-of-view fiction)
  • Major Pettigrew's Last Stand - Helen Simonson   (fiction)
Happy reading!

What were your favorite reads this year?  How do you manage to make reading a priority? 

10 responses to “Books by the month”

  1. "...but now I stop and put a book aside if it’s not engaging me. Life’s too short to struggle through a bad book."


    In your list I, too, have read: The Glass Castle, and The Art of Racing in the Rain (balled my eyes out on this one. I've added the rest of your recommendations to my must-read list, thank you!

    • Heather Shumaker says:

      You're welcome! Word of mouth is still the best way to spread the news about good books. Happy reading.

  2. I was going to say "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett, but after racking my memory, I'm pretty sure I read it in 2011. So, believe it or not, (and I am in no way sucking up here) my favorite read was "It's OK Not to Share."

    That's by no means a reflection of the quality, or lack thereof, of the other books I've read this year. Most of my reading has been first-published novels by now-bestselling suspense/thriller authors like Ken Follett, John Sandford, David Baldacci, and Dean Koontz.

    "It's OK" was my favorite for the enlightenment it gave me, the new perspective, and the appreciation that there is a small but growing group of parents and childcare givers who truly understand children and aren't trying to turn them into obedient robots who will glumly take their place in the vast economic machine and do as they're told for 50 years while never having a creative thought or original idea the rest of their lives.

    I enjoyed the book so much that I actually recommended it to social acquaintances I know who are in the teaching/childcare field, which is something I've never done before.

    I still have trouble quitting a book in the middle, especially non-fiction. I reason that with non-fiction in particular, one must read the entire work so as to not miss a particular point the author may make toward the end of the book.

    But for fiction, I mainly finish a 'bad' book to see if the author can maintain that pace of drivel for an entire novel. Sadly, some of the worst books I've read are by bestselling authors. Which gives me hope, because there is no way I'd write like that-- mainly droning on and on with a rambling plot, lackluster characters, and trite, repetitive dialogue.

    • Heather Shumaker says:

      You should become my official PR man!

      Thank you for your kind comments about my own addition to the books of 2012. New perspectives are startling and energizing, which is why I loved "Nothing to Envy" so much. Hope your teacher friends take a peek!

  3. Deidra Gorgos says:

    A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is absolutely one of my most favorite books in the entire world! I first read it when I was maybe 12 or so. I read probably once or maybe twice year until I was in my twenties. You have inspired me.


  4. Cari Noga says:

    Room - Emma Donoghue
    The Prospect of My Arrival - Dwight Okita
    Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
    The Submission - Amy Waldman
    Queens are Wild - Jack Chaucer
    Also a great re-read: Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.
    HAve you heard about Chris Brogan's Three Book Diet? He's challenging people to commit to read only three books from 11/1/12 to 11/1/13. Re-read all you want, but limit yourself to three. His point is that we don't spend enough time absorbing the messages. I know I'd break, but it's an intriguing idea.

    • Heather Shumaker says:

      Oooh - thanks for sharing your list. I actually hadn't heard of any of them except the "Curious Incident.." book (which I loved).

      A diet for book reading???! Ack. I find that idea appalling. Maybe he will live as long as a redwood, but I know I couldn't stand it given my normal human lifespan.

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