Announcing a New Book

By Heather Shumaker
A sequel to "It's OK Not to Share" is coming in 2015.

A sequel to "It's OK Not to Share" is coming in 2015.

There's been a bit of silence on the Starlighting blog lately. That's because behind-the-scenes I've been tapping away on my keyboard to create the sequel to It's OK Not to Share. A new book is being born!

This book - untitled for the moment, but maybe called It's OK to go UP the Slide - includes three chapters that were cut from the first book because the book was too long. Those restored chapters include making mistakes and teasing/ mean words.

Up the Slide is about risk and independence. It's about screens and young children, princess play, verbal aggression ("you can't come to my birthday party") and talking with children about tough topics like school shootings and more. This book is for parents and teachers of kids in preschool, but also a little older, venturing into the elementary school years. It targets ages 3-10.

With elementary school comes new issues. Kindergarten, and options for alternate kindergarten. Increasing homework for young kids. Dwindling recess. It's OK II addresses these topics head on and helps sort out what's developmentally appropriate for elementary-aged kids and what's not. Come join me for a renegade look at homework, video games, stories with sad endings, talking to strangers and more.

The book is with the editor now and will be available in Fall 2015.

Meanwhile, what's your input on the title?

  • It's OK to go UP the Slide: more renegade rules to protect children's rights to risk and recess
  • It's OK to go UP the Slide: more renegade rules for the digital age
  • Renegade Rules: the Sequel
  • your ideas

What title do you like? What are you hoping to see in this next book? Revisions are still going on for a few weeks, and your input is welcome.

18 responses to “Announcing a New Book”

  1. Can't wait. All my young friends are raising their families as we speak, and so I find myself interacting almost daily with these little ones. Yes, going up the slide.

  2. Catie Hill says:

    I love the new name! I especially like the first one, though that may be because I'm familiar with your "movement." (met you a couple times in Leland.) The one with "digital" might appeal to a newer group, which would be fantastic. Regardless, I look forward to being able to actually read myself (17 mo, 4 1/2 yo, 15 yo) and when that happens, I'll be stoked to read your new book! THANK YOU! Keep up the good work and the good word!

    • Heather Shumaker says:

      Catie, so good to hear from you in Leland. Thanks for your title input, and many thanks for your kind words! Good luck with all those busy kids.

  3. Maggie Lesoing says:

    I love the title for the new book. My kids are now 17 and 21 and I so wish your book(s) existed when my kids were little. The common sense (which, as they say, is not so common!) you spell out in the first book would have helped me to stand strong to my beliefs and be an advocate for my kids. Any chance you'll have a book for parenting "older" kids at some point? That would be fantastic!

    Love your work, thanks so much for being here!

    • Heather Shumaker says:

      Maggie, thank you. I'm glad the title resonates with you. Older kids? I felt I was going "older" with topics for elementary school, but I see you're looking for even older ones than that. I wonder how many books there are about parenting kids in their twenties?

      You touched on exactly the right word - advocate. "Up the Slide" is all about helping families gain courage and respectfully advocate for kids' needs as the children enter the world of school.

  4. Love the title. Good luck with the book. I hope it sells twice as well as the first one.


  5. Kirsten says:

    Thank you for all you do and all your encouragement to us parents who are renegades! I like the second title option best. The first one says it all, but it's a bit long.

    • Heather Shumaker says:

      Thanks for your title input! Glad you find my books helpful for your own renegade parenting. All the best.

  6. Deborah says:

    The first one!
    "It’s OK to go UP the Slide: more renegade rules to protect children’s rights to risk and recess"
    Yes it's long but I like the alliteration and I prefer it to "digital age" - digital age IMO would have been appropriate in the naughties (2000-2009) - just my opinion though!
    And I'd love an email to let me know when it's ready to order or even pre-order.

    • Heather Shumaker says:

      Great! Thanks for your excellent input, Deborah. Yes, I suppose we've been in the digital age for a while now...good point.

      I'll be sure to let you know when the book's ready to order and pre-order. Thanks for your interest!

  7. katrin says:

    I just discovered your first book and the discussions on, and I'm hooked. I wish, I had read your book earlier, but maybe I can still turn this parenting mess around...
    Anyway, I just wanted to say, that I find the first pay of your suggested title awesome, but the second part about risk and recess seems not to cover all you are taking about in your new book.
    Please disregard my comment, if I'm wrong. I'm looking forward to reading the new book!

    • Heather Shumaker says:

      So glad you're hooked! Kids are forgiving - they do fine as we adults change and grow. Best of luck trying out new habits and hope you find some that work well for you.

      Thanks for your title input! My current thought for a subtitle is: "More renegade rules for home and school." Glad to have you on board, Katrin.

  8. Jill Dodds says:

    Oh Heather, I am SO excited for this book! Love the first choice for a title. You do realize that now you have to come back to Iowa to present to all of us again right?

  9. Kathy Elliott says:

    So excited for this new book! I will leave the title voting to others. It would be great, as Jill mentioned, for you to come back to Ia. to do another presentation. I refer to your book "It's Okay NOT To Share" all the time.

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